Monday, April 18, 2005

And in the highest tradition of the non sequit(u)r - Lemons!

The other day I went to a Chinese restaurant and received the strangest fortune cookie. It said: "Growling boys lurking underneath your window are most likely rehearsing a play." I still don't know what that means.


Anonymous said...

Dude I totally though sequitur was spelled like the way I just spelled it. I don't understand the lemons part, though. Never had never will. What's wrong with non sequitur flowers or non sequitur sugar cubes or non sequitur paisley polyester pants?

There's something deeply profound and important about the link you provided, though. It's probably the key to your happiness.

Dude I just went to a fortune teller last night and he (yeah, there's a new movement for male fortune tellers going on at the moment.) told me that the key to my happiness was probably right in front of my nose. The guy's right, too cus like well... you can probably guess what's right in front of my nose at the moment. *exaggerated sniff*

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

How sad is my life that I have a strungout beatnik correcting my spelling? But you are indeed correct. Mrs. Sanman (8th grade english) would be so disappointed in me.

Main Entry: non se·qui·tur
Pronunciation: 'nän-'se-kw&-t&r also -"tur
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, it does not follow
1 : an inference that does not follow from the premises; specifically : a fallacy resulting from a simple conversion of a universal affirmative proposition or from the transposition of a condition and its consequent
2 : a statement (as a response) that does not follow logically from anything previously said

Michael W. Moore Jr said...
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Michael W. Moore Jr said...
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Anonymous said...

Dude I just had an epiphany.

Anonymous said...

I've never once posted anonymously.

for the record.

for the record deal.

for the record deal you must sleep with the producer.