Hi there. Today we are going to talk about how spam sucks. I do not appreciate unsolicited spam on my blog. No one appreciates unsolicited spam on their blog, or anywhere else for that matter. Spammers are about the lowest level of human life on the planet. They have small penises, dress poorly, and generally maintain a low level of personal hygiene. Spammers are universally hated and derided by everyone on the planet.
It's one of the few things we can all agree on. You should all just do everyone a favor and die. You serve no purpose. You accomplish nothing. You live your life annoying others, much as musquitoes do. The only difference is that mosquitoes have more refined social graces. And larger penises. Dumbass spammers might think that my blog makes an easy target, because it's not updated all that regularly, and a decent amount of comments get posted.
As far as my lackadaisical approach to posting goes, just because I don't post everyday, doesn't mean I'm not capable of checking for and removing spam on a daily basis. As far as the comments are concerned, the people posting these comments are all a lot smarter than you. My friends in general are all a lot smarter than you. My dog is a lot smarter than you. Please do me a favor and die, and before you take your own meaningless life, feel free to not post here again. I thank you for your support.
P.S. The spammer in question is a Mac user. Friggin Mac users...
Technorati? Your mother's a technorati. And this is what serves as a milestone to you people? Being able to put yourself in a sentence with the number 15 million? Your mother's in a sentence with 15 million. Please no one click on the link in the above comment, it does not point to where it says it does. And the guy who posted it has only one testicle.
Those spammers suck
sending us useless junk mails
spammers should die now
Act now and you can be a winner...
Click here for more info on enlarging your penis...
This pill will remove fat without diet or excercise.....
I don't see the problem, they are just trying to help you be a better man. :)
The only problem with their approach is that they are assuming that I am not a winner, in possession of a large penis, and happy with my fat. Why can't it be "Act now to REMAIN a winner"?
what happened to that shout out to that other person? They seemed a lot cooler. I'd quite like to get to know them.
Was there a shout out to another person? Refresh me, I have a short attention span...
What if the spam is for porn? Is that such a bad thing? I mean free porn is good, right?
Yeah, free porn is great and whatnot, until you open a message at work with filth that even I find offensive...
Wait one minute, you find some porn offensive? Underage girls with live farm animals? Where is your limit? Why are you reading email at work? You know if you would do another entry, we would all let this go.
What kind of farm animals are we talking about here? KIDDING. Actually my limit is a lot lower than that, but I'm not going to elucidate on that right now. As far as email at work, they actually pay me to do that. Blogging on the other hand...
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