In a previous post it was suggested that there should be a worthless trivia day on my blog to go along with the INCREDIBLY popular, albeit somewhat erratically chosen, quote day. Would that be the day or the quote which is erratically chosen, you ask. It's not important. The point is, not one to let such a lovely gauntlet lay idly, I am now pleased to present to you: Underdeveloped Thinking's First (Annual?) Worthless Trivia Day. Of course, today is half over, so maybe we should make it Worthless Trivia Week. Yeah, as a matter of fact I'm not even going to ask opinions on this one. Instead, I am now overjoyed to present to you: Underdeveloped Thinking's First (Annual?) Worthless Trivia Week.
This week of raucous festivites and madcap celebrations begins today, and will be filled with all sorts of exciting goings-on, rest assured. For example, today will be the beginning of the succinctly-named, First Annual "Underdeveloped Thinking's First (Annual?) Worthless Trivia Week" Ultimate Worthless Triva Contest.
The Rules are simple. And apparently capitalized. Not sure why that is really, except maybe I haven't been getting enough sleep at night. Anyway, all you have to do is submit your most worthless piece of trivia, and voila! My readers... ok, me actually... everyone knows I'm the only one who reads this drivel... ummm... what was I saying? Readers. Right. My readers will attempt to answer your trivia question. Maybe they'll post one of their own. Or maybe they won't. It's quite possible they're all incredibly lazy. Birds of a feather and whatnot. Anyway, at the end of the week, a panel of experts... yeah, me again, will convene and pore over all the entries received, before ultimately crowning one of them the Ultimate First Annual "Underdeveloped Thinking's First (Annual?) Worthless Trivia Week" Ultimate Worthless Trivia Contest winner.
Also I plan on saying ultimate a lot. And trivia. And worthless. So this week might be a good week to skip reading my blog. Which makes this week a lot like last week, only more contemporary. Funny how that works.
ANYway. To get the ball rolling I will offer up my first entry into the First Annual "Underdeveloped Thinking's First (Annual?) Worthless Trivia Week" Ultimate Worthless Triva Contest.
In what century did metallic currency fall below 50% of the money supply in England?
That's it! Good luck with the question, and I look forward to laughing at your implausibly incorrect attempts to answer.
I am going with the 17th century.... with the whole goldsmith note thingy. Am I right? Do I win a prize?
So either you are shocked into silence by a right answer, or still laughing at my wrong guess....
Ha. It wasn't THAT bad of a guess. At least you backed it up with some logic. I've been fairly busy lately and just haven't found time to mess around on my blog much. Care to guess again?
Um... 18th? :) Oh, maybe 19th? For sure by the 20th though... right? :)
Ahhh... that's good fun. I don't suppose you could narrow your guess down a little? I'll give you a helpful hint. One of your guesses is correct.
I am going with 18th, and a request for a more mindless trivia question next time. :)
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