Friday, October 21, 2005

This year's winner of the Excellence in Journalistic Integrity Award is...

If you're like me, spending most of your days in a dark cave buried deep underground, you may have missed this example of journalism at its finest. Click on the link. PLEASE click on the link. I spent the better part of an hour this morning at work laughing at the ridiculousness of this video. A grown woman pretending to paddle a canoe down a flooded street. A grown woman desperate to convince YOU, the viewing audience, that there was no other way she could possibly report on this flooding, while maintaing dry ankles at least, other than from inside a canoe. This is news. This and celebrity gossip at least. I heard something recently about ummm... genocide? Someplace? Didn't hear about it on the news mind you. Africa is awfully far away to have to paddle your News Canoe.

You know what the great thing is? That she got caught. You know what the even GREATER thing is? That she maintains that there was nothing wrong with her approach.

Quoting from

"Her one lingering concern: “That it might have looked to some people like we were trying to put something over on viewers,” she said.

“That would just be idiotic.”"

Right. Idiotic. Unlike paddling a canoe through 3 inches of water. THAT my friends, is brilliant.


Anonymous said...

Totally fark worthy... very entertaining

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

The really sad part is that the decision to put her in a canoe was made by someone higher up. So apparently instead of preventing her from making a fool of herself, her superiors are actually encouraging it.

Anonymous said...

it's just cute.