Sunday, September 11, 2005

I think crap like this is funny

Do me a favor. Open up yahoo and do a search for "greatest quote of all time". Feel free to include the quotation marks and the lower case format there, because that's how I found it. Afterwards, come back here and tell me what you found. Right now I'm particularly interested in the 10th site that comes up...

Funny thing is, it doesn't even point to the greatest quote of all time, which we all know to be from Donald Rumsfeld...


Anonymous said...

10. Underdeveloped Thinking... greatest quote of all time. So it does reference Donald in a way, right? :) Congrats on making the top ten.

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

Well, if you click on the link it takes you to the greatest non-Donald Rumsfeld quote of all time, which is close, but obviously not by Donald Rumsfeld. Ok, just to NOT be confusing... that's the greatest non-Donald Rumsfeld quote, not the greatest non-Donald, Rumsfeld quote. I'm not particularly interested in Rumsfeld quotes that are non-Donald...

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

Ok, now it just points to my blog in general... earlier it was pointing to this post in particular:

ANYway... I was actually going to post something worthwhile today, I just never got around to it. Pity. Maybe tomorrow. I hear that's when the sun's coming out.

Anonymous said...

The sun is supposed to come out tomorrow, but that is always a day away.

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

domani, e domani, e domani...

Anonymous said...

ohhhh..... learning something new today.

Anonymous said...

tomorrow's a'ight, but don't hate on yesterday, when all my troubles seemed so far away...

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

Ok, Yahoo has now moved me up to the #5 result for the search: "greatest quote of all time". I really feel sorry for those naive people who perform the search actually hoping to find something meaningful. Instead they find Don Rumsfeld. Oh well, Don Rumsfeld trumps meaningful 6 days out of 7 in my opinion anyway...

Hmmm... you know, I haven't really looked at any of the other results from that search. I wonder if they're just as lame as my page? What is this world wide web coming to?