Saturday, September 17, 2005

Formatting Experiment

For the next couple of days I am going to have all of my previous posts displayed on the starting page of my blog. Not sure if this will slow down the page loading, or be a convenient way to look over the history of my blog, or whatever, so if you have any thoughts feel free to share them here. Seriously, any thoughts at all... Who do you like in the Dolphins-Jets game this weekend?


Anonymous said...

Why is it called fasting, when not eating or drinking makes for a very long day?

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

You see, that's exactly the kind of thoughts I'm going for...

Although comments about the new format might be nice too...

Nevertheless, I do not want to discourage sharing any and all thoughts here. Very nice contribution old friend.

The Word for today is: "trolioo"

Anonymous said...

The new format is nice. I especially like the comments section being easier.

Trolioo - the way to call hookers over to your car.

Your word is vwbbwz

Anonymous said...

when can I share my thoughts about the man who wasn't there?

Anonymous said...

well maybe never. i'm not too bothered. one thing i will say, not a comment as such was that i did notice the number on his barber shop door...

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

I was going to say that you could comment on the movie after you commented on the new format, but apparently it is too late for that. So you say you noticed the number on the barber shop door. I wonder what it was about it that you noticed...

Anonymous said...

the format is pretty. i like periwinckle. and i like the grey against the periwinckle. that's not something you see every day. seriously, as your old friend was saying, it's a clear format. it's tidy and reader-friendly. for those who just jump on and aren't used to commenting, it'll be easy for them to do that now. i also like the fact that all of your posts are on the first page-- if i just started reading your blog, that would be helpful, and it's helpful for me personaly because now i can go back and read stuff i may have missed.

so are you asking about the number on the barbershop door or are you in the know? i darn near fell off my chair when i saw what it was. pretty weird. do you think it means something? well maybe i didn't darn near fall of my chair, but i did think to myself 'whoa. huh. sheesh. well i'll be damned.' i sometimes like to think that odd conincidences have special meanings. maybe that's a dumb idea.

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

43 seconds is the amount of time it took the first atomic bomb to fall from the airplane to the ground at Hiroshima. Just found that out today. Is that worthless trivia or what?