Saturday, April 23, 2005

Unabashed Gleefulness

It's no great secret that I work at a library. More specifically, I work at the United States Naval Academy Library. Drop by anytime and we'll chat. Or Maybe I'll have security remove you. It's hard to say without meeting you first. But that's not the point. Today while I was working at the circulation desk of said library, a member of the United States Naval Academy Glee Club came up to me and said, "I'm a member of the Naval Academy Glee Club, and I'm showing member's of (fill in the blank with unmemorable school name)'s Glee Club around and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah"

And at this point I have to admit that I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying anymore, but rather thinking to myself, "Well, gosh. If we could get all the members of the Academy's Glee Club, as well as all of the member's of this other school's Glee Club in here, well, that would sure be a heck of a lot of Glee."

And I guess the point I'm trying to make is, at what point should you stop and say, "There's just too much damn gleefulness in here."

And one final thought. Click on my link for this entry and then ponder this, "why exactly DON'T I have permission to access /Music/mensglee.html on this server?" My guess is you are not nearly gleeful enough.


Anonymous said...

I can't remember your question. But it's probably because I've been cartwheeling for 15 minutes straight just before and as I type I'm currently singing "this is the song that never ends. Yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singin' it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because..." and whistling and hip hop dancing (because it's the remix version of that beloved lamb chop song).

boing! boing! boing! boing!

On a scale of 1- gleeful. I'm gleeful.

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

I don't think you're really that gleeful at all really. Vapidly cheerful maybe, but definitely not gleeful

Anonymous said...

Oh I like that song. That song is gleeful. Yup, that's definitely about the most gleeful person I've ever encountered and I worked with Sherry Lewis and got to have someone's hand stuck up me arse for most of my life so you could argue that I would be more gleeful than most but that guy even tops me. WoW.

Anonymous said...

You happy people want a piece of me?

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

While gleeful people often do have things shoved up their arse, shoving something up your arse will not necessarily make you gleeful. You are making a common logical fallacy, namely a coincidental correlation. Post having something shoved up your arse, ergo propter having something shoved up your arse.