Sunday, April 24, 2005

I only worry about the ones for which this makes sense

"It's really not what you've done in the past that determines who you are, but rather, how what you've done in the past has made you who you are." - michael moore, circa 2005, feeling a bit vague.


Anonymous said...

I makes sense. Should I worry or just let you handle that?

Anonymous said...

I've always thought so... I sorta like those vaguities, and I like making up words.

Anonymous said...

and words like making up you

Anonymous said...

more vagueness...

Once I saw this video, and this guy said, GOOD GOOD VERY GOOD, and that was it, that was the whole video.

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

You've never seen that video.

Anonymous said...

Haha, oh I suuuure have Sailor.

Anonymous said...

You little blue gilled scalliwag you

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

Ok, the bug is REALLY freaking me out man.

Michael W. Moore Jr said...

I wonder whatever happened to that bug. I was outside on my porch smoking this morning and saw the most disgusting bug I have ever seen in my life. It was like what would happen if a confused spider mated with an equally confused mosquito. Quite disturbing. I wonder what kind of bug it was that posted on my blog...